Sunday, March 4, 2018

Welcome Spring Stitch-A-Long

My dear followers! When I first started blogging I really thought that it would be a very lonely journey and the feedbacks are only for some RAK kinda thing if you know what I mean. :) I was so terribly wrong!! Since I've left my precious blog alone, I got some extra kind messages that opened  my eyes up about bloggers. Their honest care about me have brought tears to my eyes. I would like to let you all know, how I appreciate that, it means so much to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart each and every of you!!

From this propose I'm inviting you to join me a little spring SAL cross stitch. I've designed a cute little pattern ages ago that welcomes spring, it has some bunnies, some flower, some color, some happiness :) I thought that it would be great if you only got parts in 4-5 days period, so you can stitch it with ease in 4 parts. I hope you are interested and curious yet.

You will need: 
  • linen/evenwave or aida to your taste in your favourite count
  • 7 colors of your choise

The pattern is 90 W and 50 H, contains 83x44 stitches.

Please let me know in a comment if you are interested and if so, as I'd like to reach a huge amount of cross stitchers out there, please spread the word by this little tag linking back to this post :) 


Starting on Friday 9th March. Hope you'll join me!!

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Drága Sorstársak! A tavasz köszöntése alkalmából hivlak meg benneteket egy kis tavaszcsalogató közös keresztszemezésre. A mintát 4 részletben teszem közzé 4-5 napos periódusokban, hogy  kényelmesen kihimezhető legyen. A SAL kezdő időpontja március 9-e, péntek. 

A minta 83x44 öltéses, igazi cukiság, virággal, nyuszikkal, boldogsággal és angol felirattal. Összesen 7 szinre terveztem, olyan méretü és szálszámú anyagra, amilyenre csak szeretnétek. 

Kérlek benneteket, hogy kommentben jelezzétek, hogy csatlakoznátok-e és ha megosztjátok a blogotokon az alábbi tag-gel a felhivást, örök hálámat is megkapjátok, ha akarjátok, ha nem :) 


  1. Angela, I sew more, but I really love embroidery with a cross and I'm very curious)))) I'll watch and maybe join.

  2. Hello, I'm curious to see this little SAL, I join you all

  3. Angela, I'd be very interested in your spring SAL. Thank you for offering it to us.

  4. I think it would be a lot of fun. Thank you for the SAL.

  5. Welcome dear Ladies, hope you'll enjoy this SAL. Have a great week!
